Ways to Give

IRA Charitable Gift

If you are subject to Required Minimum Distributions, a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to the Peconic Land Trust from your IRA could help you reduce your taxable income and be charitable at the same time! Here are some of the advantages of a QCD:

  • It reduces your adjusted gross income (AGI) by up to $100,000, so less income is taxable.
  • It lowers the taxable portion of your Social Security benefit, which could potentially decrease your Medicare premiums.
  • It helps maximize the tax impact of your charitable giving, especially for those who are no longer eligible to claim the itemized deduction.
  • It can satisfy some or all of your required minimum distribution.
  • It can help lower your taxable estate, which may defray future state and federal taxes.
Support the Peconic Land Trust
Peconic Land Trust needs your support to protect the working farms, natural lands, and heritage of Long Island.