Richard Hogan and Carron Sherry donate conservation easement on historic Ward’s Point on Shelter Island
December 5, 2014
DECEMBER 5, 2014. Southampton, New York. John v.H. Halsey, President of the Peconic Land Trust President of the Peconic Land Trust, announced that the Trust has received the donation of a conservation easement on historic Ward’s Point on Shelter Island from Richard Hogan and Carron Sherry. The easement covers a formal Italian garden and a 100-foot buffer area along the property’s shoreline bluff on Shelter Island Sound. The easement covers approximately 4.8 acres of the property.
The easement includes a management plan prepared by the Trust in consultation with Mr. Hogan, Ms. Sherry, and sustainable landscape consultants. It requires natural landscaping and best management practices that can serve as a model for other landowners. Most of the property subject to the easement, originally part of a 200-acre estate on Shelter Island owned by advertising pioneer Artemas Ward, was acquired by Mr. Hogan and Ms. Sherry between 2008 and 2014. Prior to their purchase of the property, it was owned by former New York State Governor Hugh Carey.
“Rich and Carron have been tremendous supporters of conservation, both here on Long Island and in upstate New York. Their stewardship of this property, and their commitment to both conservation and ecologically sound management practices is a model for private landowners,” said John v.H. Halsey, President of the Peconic Land Trust. “We thank Rich and Carron for their generous commitment to conservation and look forward to working with them in the future.”
Since 2011, Mr. Hogan has been a member of the Peconic Land Trust’s Board of Directors. In addition to their involvement with the Peconic Land Trust, Mr. Hogan and Ms. Sherry also support the conservation work of the Agricultural Stewardship Association in Washington and Rensselaer Counties in Upstate New York where they have donated conservation easements on productive farmland.
Gardens, Shoreline and Management Plan
The Ward’s Point conservation easement covers approximately 4.8 acres of Mr. Hogan and Ms. Sherry’s 8.7-acre property. Areas of importance within the easement area include:
The Italianate Garden: Installed around 1910 by Artemas Ward, the Italian formal garden is approximately one acre with three terraces, bordered by an ornamental concrete wall with blind arcades and balustrades. The gardens contain pools and marble benches, ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers including lavender and boxwoods. The area of the easement extends beyond the walled gardens, and covers approximately 2.6 acres.
The 100-foot Shoreline Buffer: Beginning at the property’s high water line, the easement covers 100’ of shoreline area, and is approximately 2.2 acres. The bluff is a historically significant Shelter Island natural area and is viewable by boaters along Shelter Island Sound and travelers on the Shelter Island South Ferry. The prohibition of development along the bluff and the sustainable management of this area will also aid in the protection and maintenance of Shelter Island Sound.
Management Plan: In addition to protecting the property’s aesthetic, natural, cultural and scenic values, the easement provides for further protection of Shelter Island’s groundwater, creeks, ponds, and bays. The property sits over the Island’s sole source aquifer, which has a very thin lens making it especially sensitive and fragile to rainfall and runoff. The easement prohibits the use of toxic, non-organic pesticides, herbicides, rodenticides, fertilizers and similar products. The management plan serves as a stewardship guide for Mr. Hogan and Ms. Sherry, as well as future owners of the property.
What is a Conservation Easement?
A conservation easement is a voluntary agreement between a landowner and a qualified organization that protects land, or a portion thereof, from residential or commercial development in perpetuity. A conservation easement may provide the donor with a charitable income tax deduction, a reduction of property taxes on the protected property, and a special property tax credit. The landowner continues to own the property, less its development rights, but retains the right to sell the restricted land or pass it on to heirs.