Winter Hiking Tips
February 16, 2021
The Winter is a great time to visit the Trust’s preserves throughout the East End. You could walk our new Eastern Trail Loop at the Wolf Preserve or visit an old favorite at the Silver Beech Preserve in Amagansett that just got an updated trail map. For ideas on trails to explore, check out our Places to Visit page.
While out on the trail here are some dos and don’ts to follow.
- Do bring plenty of water, it’s important to stay hydrated.
- Don’t hike hungry, always pack a snack.
- Do look out for our #PeconicScavengerHunt items. February items include berries on a shrub and chickadees.
- Don’t dress for your dream weather, but for the forecast.
- Do pack an extra layer just in case.
- Don’t get too close to other hikers.
- Do follow all the current health and safety guidelines from our local and state health departments.
- Don’t leave behind anything but your footprints.
- Do let us know if you see anything on the trail that doesn’t seem right. You are our eyes and ears at the preserves.
- Don’t keep your experience to yourself. Share with us your favorite moments or pictures from the trails.
- Most importantly, do enjoy your time in nature!