Meet the Trust | Melanie Cirillo
By Melanie A. Tebbens
Director of Conservation Planning
What is the role of the planning department at the Trust?
First of all, I love my job. No one project is the same, and each project lets me and my team use our problem solving abilities and be creative.
We work closely with landowners to understand their goals, needs, and circumstances. We walk the land and research the attributes of every property. We strategize about what is most important to conserve, and how to make it happen. It is never an all or nothing proposition.We work on complex projects with trusted partners. These efforts may take months, or sometimes years, to reach fruition – but we are patient, consistent, and pragmatic throughout.
What do you love most about the East End?
What I love most about living here is the healthy, fresh food from local farms and being able to appreciate the sights and sounds of nature close to home.
How much more is there to be saved?
While our work will never be done, there is only a finite amount of acreage left to preserve from development. Within the five East End towns, there are roughly 50,000 acres still unprotected. That accounts for farmland, woodland and meadows that could be added to the thousands of acres that have been conserved. We need to redouble our efforts now before the opportunities slip away!
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