Trust Hosts Session at the Long Island Agricultural Forum
By Julia G. King
The annual Long Island Agricultural Forum is a two-day educational conference, trade show and networking social open to all agricultural professionals. Sessions of interest to growers in the commercial agriculture, aquaculture, and ornamental horticulture industries are presented.
The Trust is pleased to attend each year and offer information on our Farms for the Future Initiative and farmland conservation options. This year the conference was back in person and the Trust hosted the Transitioning Farms Session. A big thank you to Fred Lee, owner of Sang Lee Farms, Prudence and Dan Heston, owners of Salt Air Farm, and Dave and Michelle Fink, owners of Fink’s Country Farm for speaking about their experiences in farming. All shared how their farms have adapted to an ever-changing market.
Fred Lee, Trust staff - Jessie McSwane and Dan Heston - Prudence Heston, and Michelle and Dave Fink.
Want to learn more? Contact Jessie McSwane, Sr. Stewardship Manager.