Spring Through the Snowfall | Note From Rick
Spring has sprung! Despite some occasional cold snaps — and unexpected spring snow fall — the days are warming and there are signs of spring everywhere. Take a walk through your garden and you’ll discover bud break on everything from crocus and daffodils, to forsythia, P.J.M. rhododendron and azalea. Pictured above are our cheery Tete-a-tete daffodils and blue Siberian squill. Tete-a-tete’s are great for forcing into bloom, as they are small at 6-8” tall. Each stem has two flowers, nodding and “talking” to each other, hence the name.

If you’re like me, it’s a relief to see these spring bloomers and there’s joy in viewing them instead of winter’s browns and greys. Planting spring-blooming shrubs like forsythia, this paperbush or Edgeworthia chrysantha pictured above, and winterhazel or Corylopsis will help ensure early color in the garden. Our Prague viburnum, Viburnum x pragense, is another good, early-blooming shrub. It’s semi-evergreen and will be in bloom later this month with clusters of pink and white fragrant flowers.
Speaking of forsythia - remember that when forsythia blooms, it’s time to remove the protective mulch you placed around the base of your roses last fall — and give your roses their first pruning. More tips on caring for roses will be featured at an upcoming mid-summer program with Paul Wagner of Greener Pastures Organics,like the one pictured below from last summer.
Our spring programming has begun, with a wonderfully engaging workshop, Introduction to Beekeeping, presented by John and Sofia Witzenbocker on Saturday, March 24. Over 25 would-be beekeepers learned much more than they expected at this thoroughly engaging presentation.
The Witzenbockers, fairly new to beekeeping — establishing their first hive at their home in Sag Harbor 6 years ago — gave an in-depth, and question inspiring, talk on everything from the anatomy of bees to how to select the right area of your home to place your hive(s), to the tools you need to get started. They also talked about seasonal variations, coping with and addressing disease, and the resources you can consult to get yourself started. For more about their workshop, visit our blog!
And, keep an eye out for future programming on beekeeping with the Witzenbockers, coming later this year!
Improvements to the driveway and parking areas at Bridge Gardens are currently underway, and access to the gardens may be limited. So when you visit, you may need to park on Mitchell Lane and walk up the drive. Look for significant improvements when you visit in the coming weeks!
I hope you’ll visit throughout the year to enjoy the gardens in every season.
Above all, take time to get outdoors, and be inspired for this years growing season. Visit Bridge Gardens - now open year round with free admission - to experience all that we have created! If the garden gates are open you are welcome to explore.