Research Continues at Georgica Pond
By Julia G. King
With your support, the Peconic Land Trust contracted Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) to conduct research on Georgica Pond. We’re looking to document the health of the pond, identify causes of concern, and eventually provide solutions to improve it. This multi-phased study continued over the summer as CCE staff looked at groundwater entering the pond.
CCE Staff, James Chant (center) and Kaden Ireland (left) on Georgica Pond.
We know that nitrogen input via groundwater seepage is a critical factor influencing the nitrogen load of the pond. An over-abundance of nitrogen and other nutrients in the water leads to harmful algal blooms. However, we need to identify where nitrogen is entering Georgica Pond.
CCE staff started collecting samples close to the shore and moved further into the pond as the summer progressed. Porewater samples were collected and analyzed on-site for temperature, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, and oxidation reduction potential (ORP). The comprehensive groundwater and porewater survey will identify and rank zones in the pond according to site specific water quality conditions. Once we pinpoint the locations of nitrogen-rich groundwater seepage into the pond we can target funds for remediation to maximize nitrogen reduction in these areas.
Have questions, or would like to make a gift in support of the pond’s restoration? Contact Amanda Abraham, Director of Development.