Getting to Know the Staff | Kathy Kennedy, Senior Manager of Outreach
By Kathleen Kennedy
Growing up in Hampton Bays, I spent much of my free time immersed in nature. I never knew how lucky I was. I rode my bike to the beach to swim, snorkel, dig clams, fish for snappers, and collect shells. I explored the woods looking for Indian pipes, scented wintergreen leaves, and Lady Slipper orchids. I became fascinated with birds – spying on the lives of cardinals, chickadees, robins, and blue jays with my binoculars.
These experiences had a huge impact on me. And they’re a major reason why I have worked at the Trust for 21 years, helping to conserve what we all know and love.
As the Trust’s Outreach Manager for the last 15 years, it brings me joy to re-create these types of experiences for you and your family through our Connections programs.
There’s nothing better than seeing the look of joy on a child’s face when they pet a goat for the first time, pull a seine net out of the water teaming with marine life, or explore a woodland trail and find a feather from a red-tailed hawk. Taking time to slow down and connect with nature is so important in our busy lives.
Thanks to you, we’re able to offer more than 50 Connections activities a year for people of all ages! I invite you to join me to experience your own peaceful breathing space. I hope it brings you joy.