Magazine Honors SchappacherWhite Architecture for its Birdhouse Design
By Yvette DeBow-Salsedo
Rhea White and Steve Schappaher's birdhouse, created for the Trust's Birdhouse Auction on Shelter Island in 2015, wins "Green Intervention" award!
A magazine that premiered this fall, End from the publishers of The East Hampton Star, inaugurated a new awards program, the East End Design Awards. With judges from Deborah Berke Partners, Roman and Williams, and Coen+Partners, 70 submissions were received in 13 categories from 30 design firms.
We were tickled pink to see SchappacherWhite Architecture’s birdhouse within the pages as the winner in the Green Intervention category! The birdhouse by Rhea White and Steve Schappacher, was donated to the Trust for our Birdhouse Auction during the summer of 2015 at Gallerie Mallory on Shelter Island.
In describing their entry for the Design Awards, they said: “Occupants have two bedroom/nesting areas on the upper level, a fireplace/seed feeder, a swimming pool/bird bath, a succulent green roof and a lower level guest house for all of their summer friends”
Thank you to End for their wonderful recognition of Steve and Rhea!
Rhea and Steve’s design was part of the Birdhouse Auction on Shelter Island during the summer of 2015, hosted by Mallory Samson at Gallerie Mallory on Bridge Street. Over 30 local artists, conservationists, and celebrities contributed to the auction.
In their artist statement for the birdhouse auction, Steve and Rhea sent us the following:
The partners of SchappacherWhite Architecture DPC, Steve Schappacher and Rhea White, are full time Shelter Island nesters. If designing for humans or winged creatures they respond to specific needs and desires in order to enhance the occupants’ lives.
We are so grateful to Steve and Rhea for their support of the Trust and for donating their amazing talents toward this project.