November 9, 2021
When readying your garden for winter’s rest, don’t forget the tools in your shed. Cleaning and sharpening tools before storage will ensure that you’ll be ready to go when spring’s thaw arrives.
We met this month with local arborist Jackson Dodds to get his tips for end-of-season tool care. Enjoy these short videos as Jackson shows you how to care for Felco hand pruners, spades, pole pruners and more.
Tool Care Tips from Jackson:
- Safety first - always wear protective eye goggles and gloves.
- Lubricate joints and sharpen throughout the season to keep tools at their best.
- A sharp pair of pruners provides a clean cut, allowing the plant to heal more easily and resist insect damage.
- Using a hand file, always sharpen in the angled direction of the blade.
- Remember to sharpen blades before storing for the season, you’ll be glad you did next spring.
- Replacement parts for better quality hand pruners will save you money over time.
- Spades, shovels, hand trowels and loppers can all be sharpened for ease of use.
- Need a professional tool sharpener? Contact your local garden center for their recommendations on nearby experts.