Community Support for the Lt. Moses Case House
By Alison Delaney
It was so wonderful to come together last week to celebrate the restoration of the historic Lt. Moses Case House! We were so glad to share the (almost) final result of your hard work and generosity.
With the afternoon sun setting slowly over the adjacent farm fields, we heard from Dan Heston (Director of Agricultural Programs) and Holly Sanford (Senior Project Manager). Holly and Dan discussed the multi-year process of the building’s acquisition, relocation, and restoration, and spoke to what its preservation means for the Southold community and the Trust’s Farms for the Future program.
New bathrooms and other renovations have made this home livable and brought it into the 21st century, but many of the unique historic and architectural features have been meticulously preserved and restored.
The interior is trimmed in a color we’ve been calling “Case House Blue,” a custom recreation of the original paint that was formulated based on an analysis of a centuries-old paint chip. The floorboards, many more than a foot wide, have been stained and sealed to protect them from the next century of footsteps. And, as Dan pointed out on a tour of the basement, much of the first floor is still supported by the original, half-hewn white oak beams. On its new, solid foundation, soon this 18th century farmhouse will be leased to the next generation to call it home!

None of this would have been possible without you, the friends, neighbors, preservationists, housing advocates, and history buffs who generously donated to make this project a reality. Because of you, this historic home has been lovingly restored and will remain part of our cherished agricultural landscape here in Southold.
And now, whenever you drive by the intersection of Hortons Lane and Route 48, I hope you’ll continue to look over at this sweet little house in the fields and know that you’ll always be a part of its conservation story.
Thank you to the many community members who have supported this project!
Robert and Carol Abrahams
Gary Ackerman and Randy Zant Ackerman
Jerome Adler and Beth Lebowitz
Bernadette and George Aldcroft
Jessica Alfonsi - The Scully Peretsman Foundation
Melissa Andruski
Nick and Mary Antonucci
Frank and Monika Apadula
Laurajean Aupperle
Cyrus and Josephine Bacchi
Muffie and Jim Baker
Denise and James Balzaretti
John Barnes
Suzanna Barucco
Kathleen Kmet Becker
Corinne Case Bednoski
Iris and Frank E. Begora Jr.
Drianne Benner and Kevin Perry
Robert Bennett and Patricia Berg
Jennifer and Mitchell Berg
William Bernhard
Patricia and Denis Bischoff
Norah Bischoff and Jane Winsch
Robin and Jeroen Bours
Mary and Edward Boyle
Susan and William Boyles
Elizabeth and David Branch
Joshua Brand and Brooks McEwen
Mark and Margot Bridgen
Ginger and Lloyd Brokaw
Margaret and Stanley Brown
Clare Browne
Jeanine and Joseph Burke
Constance and Gerard Case
Donna and Joel Catania
Holly and J Mac Cato
Robert and Thomasina Chaffardet
Barbara and Daniel Charnews
Lia and Philip Chasen
Jamie and Paul Colapinto
Jill and Richard Collins
Kathleen and William Collins
Donald Currie and Daniel Gladstone
Donna and Vincent Daley
Michael Daly
John and Beatrice D’Amico
Cecilia Buzio De Torres and Dan Pollock
Kathleen Devore
Ruth and Freddie Diaz
Ken Dolney
Elizabeth Downs
Thomas and Claire Drennan
Eleanor Dunkelman
E & P Cliffside Holdings
Nancy and Peter Eichacker
Mary Eisenstein
Kevin and Mary Ellen Erdman
Sandra Erickson, Ronald Erickson and Danielle Noak
Betty and John Fanneron
Marty and John Farris
Drs. Zafar and Kehm Fatimi
The Currin Feinstein Family
Ann ffolliott
Jan Flaherty
Amy Folk
Mary Lou Folts
Ignatia and Fortunato Foti
John French
Albert and Lori Gabberty
The Malcolm Gibbs Foundation
Annette Golden
Dinni Gordon
Jean Graham
Dorothy Grella
Catherine and Robert Harper
Lucie Harris
Gerard and Cecelia Hauser
Christine and Robert Hempel
John and Sally Henry
Kathleen and Dennis Hickey
Lynn Hildenbrand
George and Linda Hossenlopp
Walter and Joanne Hulse
Roberta Jaklevic
Susan Johnson
Dawn and Marc Johnston
Katina and Dennis Karagounis
Karen Karp and Christiaan Batten
Russ Karsten
Helen and Robert Keith
Kathleen and Mortimer M. Kelly III
David and Pamela Kenney
Anita Knowlton and Elaine Cornett-Lang
Barbara and George Koch
Jane Kosovsky
Susan Kowalchuk and Neal Simon
Lynn and George Krug
Kevin Lalor and Virginia Selva
Gretchen and Peter Lang
Latham Sand & Gravel, Inc.
Ethna and Lester Lay
Susannah Leete and Eli Martin
Lois Leonard
David Lewis and Louise Cohen
Amy and Stephen Licata
Vicki Lisa
Judith Little
Roseanne Lofaso
Mary and Blaise Lombardo
Patricia Lowry and John Touhey
Consuelo and Thomas Ludlam
Patricia Lutkins
Michael Macco and Lynn Smiarowski
Ann M. Mallouk
Adriana Martinez and Matthew Werstein
Mae and Tom Mauri
Margaret and Anthony McDonald
Ann Marie and James McHale
Tabitha and Bian McQuade
Mary Anne Messina
Alice and Peter Mignerey
William and Patricia Milford
Leueen and Gordon Miller
Jaci Miller Osdoby and Steven Osdoby
Elizabeth and Justin Mirro
Mary and Timothy Moylan
Timothy Mueller
Ottiley Mullady
Ellen Neff
Peninah and Harold Neimark
James Nenopoulos
Joyce and Stuart Newman
Vera and Kenneth Nieuwenhuis
John Oldenburg and Lara Wooten
Deborah Ostrosky
Lisa and Thomas Owens
Louis and Louise Paolillo
Perri and Richard Parlini
Otis and Nancy Pearsall
Patrick Perrella
Erna and Kenneth Peterson
Susan Petrie-Badertscher
Rosanna Piazza and Jose Miguez
Susan and John Pitman
Ann Plyler and Roseann Margiotta
Clifford Polacek
John Pontisakos
Mary and Robert Ponzo
Wendy Prellwitz
Jeannette and Peter Prostowich
David Pugh and Tina Silvestri
Anne and Jeff Pundyk
Paul Raso
Robert and Barbara Rath
James F. Reeve
Marilyn and David Rivkin
Patsy Rogers
Maria and Liberio Romano
Marcelle and Marc Rothenberg
Ann and Tom Rozakis
Catherine Russ and Thomas Kelly
Glenna and Donald Ryan
Judith Saner
Holly Sanford
William Saurer
Jen and Tom Schlecht
Judith and Otto Schmid
Rosemary Schneider
Barbara Schnitzler and William Finkelstein
Cynthia and Donald Scholl
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sepenoski, Jr.
Harriet Sharkey-Ingoglia
Julie and Nick Silvino
Barbara Slifka
Elizabeth and William Smith
Mark Solo
Southold Chapter NSDAR
Patricia Spicer
Cora Stoll
Walter J. Strohmeyer Jr.
Andrew Stype Reality, Inc
Rev. and Mrs. George and Lynn Summers
Barbara and Raymond Terry
Sherry and Ted Thirlby
Gail Tiska-Flurry and Steve Flurry
Alice and George Todd MD
Allison Tupper
Constance Tupper
Martha and Stephen Ulman
Eileen VanGelder
Gus and Anthippe Vasilakis
Antonia von Zuben
Andrew Walsh
Eric M. Wechsler and Philip A. Kovacevich
Caroline and Richard Yates
Judith and Joseph Zalner
Eric and Michelle Zhai