Climate Tip | Turn Food Waste into Gardening Gold
Consuming more produce and unsure of what to do with some of the byproduct? Consider starting your own compost pile. Food scraps such as vegetable peels, egg shells, and coffee grounds can turn into viable compost over time. You can then add compost to your garden increasing the amount of organic matter in the soil. This is especially helpful for the sandy soil found on Long Island.
Not sure where to start? Check out our Soil Health Workshop with Rick Bogusch, Garden Director and Paul Wagner of Greener Pasture Organics. In this series of videos they go over composting at Bridge Gardens and how you can implement their steps at home and in your garden.
If you’d like to have worms do most of the work for you, watch our video with Scott Bluedorn on how to start your own Vermiculture System. Worms efficiently break down the food scraps to create rich compost.