
Alison and Aaron “Food Waste” Pilot Program: 26.3 Pounds in 30 Days

April 14, 2020

By Alison Delaney

Farms for the Future

Trust staffer Alison Delaney and her husband Aaron recently participated in Drawdown East End’s Food Waste Pilot Program in Southold Town. Participants saved their home cooking and take-out and restaurant food scraps for a 4-week period during February and March.

Drawdown East End coordinated with Southold’s Waste Management Department to gather and weigh the scraps at the Town Recycling Center, and the waste was composted at Treiber Farms in Peconic. Alison said:

“It was easy and fun to participate in this program, and we were amazed that our two-person household generated 26.3 pounds of food waste in 30 days. In a full year, the two of us alone could generate over 315 pounds of food waste. This is the equivalent of 630 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions never releasing into the atmosphere - imagine the impact if we all did this!”

For more information on Drawdown East End, visit

For more information on Treiber Farms, visit

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