
A Note About Lawns…

May 10, 2023
Bridge Gardens

This time of year, everyone has problems with lawns, including Bridge Gardens. Lots of bare patches and areas filled with cool season weeds, soon to become patches of crab grass if not filled in. Unfortunately, the best time to start and repair lawns is not in spring, though many disregard and do so anyway. The best time is in September, when night temps are still above 50 degrees, it’s not too hot during the day and there’s more rain.

At Bridge Gardens, we opt to take care of lawn problems temporarily this time of year, by sowing annual rye, an aggressive filler of bare spots that remains green until we can sow permanent lawn seed in September. We also sow white clover with the rye to add nitrogen to the soil and because we like the look when the lawn is not mowed and the clover is in bloom.

If you’re seeking temporary or permanent solutions for your lawn problems, you should visit our Lawn Expert, Paul Wagner, who is at Bridge Gardens every Tuesday, 3 - 4:30 pm, starting on May 16th. 

Paul has years of education and experience, and takes care of lawns and landscapes for a living. He will advise how to solve your lawn problems and take care of your lawn and gardens in the future using sustainable methods that are good for us and good for our environment.


Paul Wagner discusses lawn care at Bridge Gardens.

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