2018 Peconinic Thank you!
By Yvette DeBow-Salsedo
Thank you for joining us!
You, and your family, friends, and neighbors make conservation happen on Long Island. Thank you for joining us at the 33rd Annual Peconinic on Saturday, June 2. Take a few moments to look back at some of the fun we had.
If you didn’t have the chance to join us this year — save the date for 2019. The 34th Peconinic will be on Saturday, June 1st, 2019

Special Thanks to Molly Channing and the Channing daughters — Francesca, Isabella, Sylvia and Nina for welcoming us — it was a very special day in celebration of conservation and Walter!
And to the partners at Channing Daughters Winery —
Larry Perrine, Allison Dubin and winemaker Christopher Tracy.

Thank you to our Peconinic Donors: contributions, raffle prizes and volunteers!
Carol Mulvihill Ahlers and Ronald Ahlers, Laura and Thomas Allison, Linda Asher, Anne and Bruce Babcock, Bellringer Communications Inc., Porter Bibb and Alexandra Penn-Bibb, Sue and Ken Bieger, Judi Bird, Susan and William Boyles, Kitty Charde, Marc Chiffert, Abby Clough and James Lawless, Gail and Jefferson Cosseboom, Joann Cunneen, Barbara and Joseph Czekala, M. & F. De Giorgis, Michael de Mello, Annette and Nicholas Delihas, Alan and Hatsy Dresher, Robert and Irene Dunn, Elaine Evans, Five Element Associates, Eric Forsyth, Geraldine and Leonard Genovese, Gary Gentile, Kaitlin Hammond, Harbes Family Farmstand, Helen Ficalora, Bernice and John Holden, Lucy Howard, Howard Jennings, Judith and Allan Kirik, Andrea and Jeffrey Lomasky, Anonymous, Elsa Luker, Barbara and Lloyd Macklowe, Marie Mandell, Ann and James Marquardt, Sonya and Richard Morabito, Deborah and Cono Natale, Jan Nicholson, Michael and Beverley O’Connor, Louis and Karin Osti, Peconic Propane Inc., Florence Polikoff, Ann and Howard Reisman, Robert Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sepenoski, Jr., Jim and Linda Slezak, Rose and Anthony Smith, Blair Stauffer and Bobbye Sue Albrecht, Rand, Emilie, and Ben Stoll, Jane and Geoffrey Troy, Diane and Salvatore Vacca, Peter Wolf, Pipi, Mustafa and Rive Zahir, Susan Kennedy Zeller, Alex Ferrone, Almond Restaurant, Amber Waves Farm, Art Barge, Balsam Farms, Bay Burger, Bee’s Needs, Canio’s, Channing Daughters, Children’s Museum of the East End, Corner Bar, Country Lane, Cowfish, David Van Scoy, Dockside Bar and Grill, Grain Surfboards, Hampton Hills Golf & Country Club, Helen Ficalora, James Buttonow, James Slezak, Joanne Rosko, John Todaro, John Turner, Kurt Weiss Greenhouses, LT Burger, Mana Made Jewelry, Mary Hawkes, Mecox Bay Dairy, Mike Bottini, Milk Pail Farm, MJ Dowling’s, Montauk Brewery, Mym Tuma, Naughty Gal Soaps, Parrish, Phil Lehans, Rick Bogusch, Rumba, Scott Bluedorn, South Fork Natural History Museum, Summerhill, Sylvester Manor Educational Farm, Tate’s Bake Shop, Wolffer
Carol Ahlers, Carla Ash, Sylvia Channing, Bobby Cohen, Michael Daly, Laury Dowd, Bernard Hayduk, Renee Irizarry, Kathy Kirkpatrick, Linda Lacchia, Nancy Lustenring, Regina Miller, Nancy Misucavech, Marlene O’Halloran, Larry Perrine, Howard Reisman, John Seeyle, Shannon Simon, Colleen Smith, Terry Stevens, Richard Udice, Mary Welker
Thanks to: Larry Perrine for the Tour of the Vineyard Channing Daughters for the wine
East Bound Freight for the music Joe & Liza’s for ice cream John Seeyle for the yoga stretch at the end of the day
Evelyn Alexander Wildlife Center of the Hamptons for introducing us to the birds of prey
Montauk Brewery for the beer
Little Creek for the oysters
Joanne Rosko for donating her beautiful painting of the vineyards to the Channings!
… and to YOU for making our work possible. Thank You!!!