
15 Acres Preserved in Manorville

June 15, 2023
Conservation News
Water Quality

Millions of Long Island residents rely on groundwater as their sole drinking water source. It’s important to preserve areas where water is filtered back into the ground. The recent purchase of 15.7 acres in Manorville will do just that.

Working with the Town of Brookhaven, the Trust purchased a parcel from the Presbytery of Long Island on the south side of South Street in Manorville, within the Pine Barrens Compatible Growth Area. The property was identified by the Town as a priority for conservation because of its location within the Special Groundwater Protection Area (SGPA) and its proximity to land owned by the Suffolk County Water Authority. It can cost up to 10 times more to produce clean drinking water from wells where surrounding land is heavily developed than from wells in the Pine Barrens where the land is protected.

Funding for the acquisition comes from a $2.3 million New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) grant awarded in December 2017 to the Trust for implementation of a Regional Aquifer Protection Land Acquisition Program (RAPLAP).

John v.H. Halsey, President of the Peconic Land Trust, said, “The Trust is pleased to work with the NYSDEC and the Town of Brookhaven to protect our important groundwater resources. This is our fourth acquisition in the Town of Brookhaven that will contribute to the health and well-being of Brookhaven residents.”

In addition to protecting Long Island’s drinking water source, the newly protected land will be used for passive recreation, for example hiking and birdwatching, with potential improvements limited to a foot trail, placement of trail markers, and a trailhead kiosk.

Want to learn more? Contact Josh Halsey, Environmental Programs Manager.

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